Review | Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

Played on Xbox Series X through Ubisoft+

Back on February 1st, I had written a mini review-like of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown on my personal X (f.k.a Twitter) account. Due to the character limit on posts, I could only write a few small thoughts about the game.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is an action-adventure platformer game that is set in a Mythological Persian world, which see's Sargon, a Persian warrior, explore the region of Mount Qaf. 

I spent around 24-30 hours total to complete the main game, alongside a number of side quests. According to, the game takes 16.5hrs to complete the Main Story, with the Completionist taking around 30.5hrs.

From the get-go, you are introduced to a beautiful opening segment which tells us a bit of the story, and then it drops you straight into a gripping tense opening sequence where it starts to teach a few of the basic controls you'll become accustomed to throughout the game.

Skipping through some of the main story, you will come across a Tutorial-like area where you can practice your moves, combos and special moves you will unlock whilst exploring the vast areas of Mount Qaf. No area is quite the same as ones you have already explored.

The game also offers multiple boss fights, with yet again, each one being completely different and requiring you to approach them in a unique way. 

Let's talk about some features. And by that, I mean the accessibility features. Out of the last few years of newly released games I have played, this one went above and beyond on my expectations.
  • Visuals included Colourblind options, contrast and adjustable HUD size to name a few for Visuals.
  • Subtitles are set to on by default, and players can choose the opacity of the background. The game allows you to customize specific sounds using sliders, which includes music, SFX, voiceover and interface sounds.
  • One of my adored features of this game was The Eye of The Wanderer. Came across an area of the game where you can't access but you see some shiny loot? This allows you to take "screenshots" of the area and they will be visible on your map, as long as you don't exceed the limit. This game also offers you a Guided mode - this gives the player optional icons marking where objectives are, along with available and blocked paths.
  • When it comes to Controls, the game allows you to auto-complete those button mashing sequences (thanks for helping us keep our controllers and keyboards alive for longer!). Another nice feature is that there are no Quick Time Events in this game. This ensures that this game can be as accessible as possible to as much players as possible.
  • At the start of the game, they allow you the chance to pick which difficulty you want to play at. Each difficulty can also be altered (individual parameters can be adjusted for enemy health, enemy damage, parry times and dodge windows, along with a host of other features). 
If you are still on the fence about giving this a try, the best option is to grab a month of Ubisoft+ on any platform and the Deluxe Edition (which includes a few extra cosmetic choices) will be there waiting for you. 

Overall, this game will have a high place on my Game Of The Year, and this will be very hard to place higher on my list. Ubisoft named this 'The Lost Crown' for a reason - they will make you earn that Crown in a fantastic way.

(Just a quick side-note, I didn't plan on writing a fully fledged review for this, so I just started writing down my thoughts with no planned structure to my review. Please give me feedback on how I could improve on these if I decide to do more in the future. If you've made it this far... you are awesome and you deserve a cookie!)

Developer: Ubisoft Montpellier
Publisher: Ubisoft


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